DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)

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DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)

DB RT-PCR SYBR mix contains SYBR® Green I dye for real-time quantification of RNA sequences and offers an ideal solution for routine and high-throughput RNA target detection. Add only primers and template into the final reaction!

This system has been used as a basis in millions of diagnostic tests against COVID-19. Example of direct detection of viral RNA in cell culture is described in bit.ly/pubmed-DB-1.

DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)_photo

Ready to use mix for fast and comfortable workflows

SYBR® Green I dye included in the mix: No TaqMan probes are needed

Hot-start: Aptamer

Various applications including qualitative and quantitative real-time RT-PCR from RNA

Name (Cat. no.)
Lead Time
DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)
100 RXNS
60 EUR
In Stock
DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)
1000 RXNS
395 EUR
In Stock
DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix (DB-1264)
5000 RXNS
1575 EUR
In Stock

Key Proteins, Hot-start, Content and QC

Key Proteins

Taq DNA Polymerase
Thermostable reverse transcriptase (mutated M-MLV)
RNase Inhibitors




Enhancer mix (4x)
RT-PCR SYBR Mix (4x)
PCR Grade Water

QC Assays

Functional test (RT-PCR)
E. coli gDNA absence
RNase and DNase absence
Activity measurement of key proteins


Order DB RT-PCR SYBR Mix or ask for a free sample:


    Aleš Pauk

    Head of Sales 

    Aleš Pauk Head of Sales