DIANA Biotechnologies: Diversified Biotech

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DIANA Biotechnologies: Explore your career pathway!

Research Driven Business

Our goal is to target global markets with innovative PCR products for diagnostic and academic labs, custom oligonucleotide synthesis, monoclonal antibody development, and comprehensive drug discovery services. Diversified biotech, that is DIANA Biotechnologies!


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Life Science

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Monoclonal Antibodies

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Drug Discovery

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From research laboratories to diagnostic companies, we provide innovative solutions across the biotech sector

DIANA Biotechnologies, a.s. was established in 2018 as a biotech company at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB), Academy of Sciences in Prague, with the goal of building on its global reputation and strong track record in drug discovery. We have raised substantial venture capital funding and have been awarded exclusive global rights to the DIANA technology.

Our team combines a unique set of expertise in medical and organic chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology, enabling us to harness the power of DIANA technology in clinical diagnostics, academic research, and the development of monoclonal antibodies and drug discovery services. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions across the biotech sector.



In just a few years, we have grown from a small team of six people to 100 experts, organized into several research groups.


Private investment

Founded in 2018 based on DIANA technology and supported by 3.5 million EUR in private investment.


Million PCR tests delivered

We became the largest producer of COVID-19 tests in Czechia.



We provide innovative solutions for diagnostic and academic labs, develop monoclonal antibodies, and offer drug discovery services.


Advance your career in biotech with us and join our team of experts!

Explore opportunities


Do you have an interesting project we could collaborate on? Send us a message, and we will get in touch with you shortly!


Martin Dienstbier